Table of Contents- Idaho GEM Course Sequencing
The following table of contents is formatted to align with the course sequencing used by Idaho General Education Matriculation (GEM) Courses:

French 101, Face-to-Face
- First Year French, Activity 01: Les virelangues / Tongue Twisters (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 02: Salutations et présentations / Greetings and Introductions (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 03: Identifier les gens / Identifying People (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 04: Les mots apparentés / Identifying Cognates (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 05: La vie universitaire et scolaire / University and School (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 06: Quel est votre horaire ? / What’s Your Schedule ? (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 07: Révision et “avoir” / Review and “avoir” (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 08: Mon arbre généalogique / Family Tree (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 09: Les numéros et les villes / Numbers and Cities (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 10: Jeu de devinette / I-Spy (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 11: Les animaux domestiques / Pets (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 12: Les invitations / Invitations (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 13: J’ai faim ! / Food (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 14: Revision de la fin du semestre / End of Semester Review (Face-to-Face)
French 102, Face-to-Face
- First Year French, Activity 15: Les introductions / Introductions (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 16: Le temps libre / Free Time (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 17: Quel temps fait-il ?/ What’s the Weather Like? (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 18: La météo et le temps libre / Weather and free time (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 19: Les prénoms et les pronoms démonstratifs / First Names and Demonstrative Pronouns (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 20: Les vêtements / Clothing, Pronunciation (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 21: Décrivez ma tenue / Describe My Outfit (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 22: Jeu de révision : Jeopardy / Jeopardy Review Game (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 23: Bon voyage ! / Have a good trip! (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 24: À l’hôtel / Hotels (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 25: L’impératif et les adverbes / The imperative and adverbs (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French Activity 26: La maison / Home life (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 27: Passé composé et l’imparfait / The past tense (Face-to-Face)
- First Year French, Activity 28: La révision / Review (Face-to-Face)
French 201, Face-to-Face
- Second Year French, Activity 01: L’été / Summer (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 02: Donner et recevoir des instructions / Giving and Receiving Directions (Face-to-face)
- Second Year French, Activity 03: Comparatif et Superlatif / Comparative and superlative (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 04: La routine quotidienne / Daily Routine (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 05: Les verbes réflexifs / Reflexive Verbs (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 06: Maladie / Illnesses (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 07: Passé composé et l’imparfait / The Past Tense (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 08: La Technologie / Technology (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 09: Ma voiture de rêve / My Dream Car (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 10: Le conditionnel / The Conditional Tense (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 11: Comment dire qu’on est d’accord ou qu’on n’est pas d’accord / How to Say You Agree or Disagree (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 12: Faire les courses / Running Errands (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 13: Où se trouve / Where is it located? (Face-to-Face)
- Second Year French, Activity 14: Jeopardy Review Game (Face-to-Face)
French 202, Face-to-Face
Online Instruction

French 101, Online INstruction
- First Year French, Activity 01: Les virelangues / Tongue Twisters (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 02: Un accueil / Meet and Greet (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 03: Les caractéristiques / Characteristics (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 04 : Les mots apparentés / Cognates (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 05: L’école / School (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 06: Les jours de la semaine / Days of the Week (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 07: “Avoir” / “To have” (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 08: La famille et les amis / Family and Friends (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 09: Quartiers à Paris / Neighborhoods in Paris (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 10: Jeu de devinette / I-Spy (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 11: Les animaux domestiques / Pets (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 12: Les invitations / Invitations (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 13: La nourriture / Food (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 14: Revision de la fin du semestre / Jeopardy Review (Online)
French 102, Online Instruction
- First Year French, Activity 15: Les introductions / Introductions (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 16: Le temps libre / Free Time (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 17: Quel temps fait-il ?/ What’s the Weather Like? (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 18: La météo et le temps libre / Weather and free time (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 19: Les prénoms et les pronoms démonstratifs / First Names and Demonstrative Pronouns (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 20: Les vêtements / Clothing, Pronunciation (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 21: La mode en France / Fashion in France (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 22: Jeu de révision : Jeopardy / Jeopardy Review Game (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 23: Bon Voyage ! / Have a good trip! (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 24: À l’hotel / Hotels (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 25: L’impératif et les adverbes / The imperative and adverbs (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 26: La maison / Home life (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 27: Imparfait et Passé composé / The past tense (Online)
- First Year French, Activity 28: La révision / Review (Online)
French 201, Online Instruction
- Second Year French, Activity 01: L’été / Summer (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 02: Donner et recevoir des directions / Giving and Receiving Directions (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 03: Devoir et Vouloir / “To Have To” and “To Want” (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 04: Les aliments / Foods (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 05: Les verbes réflexifs / Reflexive Verbs (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 06: J’ai mal ! / I’m sick! (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 07: Passé composé et l’imparfait / The Past Tense (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 08: La technologie / Technology (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 09: Ma voiture de rêve / My Dream Car (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 10: Le conditionnel / The Conditional Tense (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 11: Les expressions / Expressions (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 12: Faire les courses / Running Errands (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 13: Les directions / Directions (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 14: Jeopardy Review Game (Online)
French 202, Online Instruction
- Second Year French, Activity 15: L’avenir et les métiers / The Future and Jobs (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 16: L’Environnement de travail / The Work Environment (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 17: Sauvons la planète / Save the Planet (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 18: En plein air (Protégez la faune) / Outdoors (Protect the Fauna) (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 19: Les pays francophones du monde / Francophone Countries of the World (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 20: Bingo Review (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 21: L’énergie nucléaire en France / Nuclear Energy in France (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 22: Les parcs nationaux / National Parks (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 23: Après le spectacle / After the Show (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 24: La musique française / French Music (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 25: Pictionary Review (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 26: Le musée d’art / The Art Museum (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 27: Un pitch de film / A Film Pitch (Online)
- Second Year French, Activity 28: Jeopardy Review Game (Online)