Spanish Level 1- Activities Designed for Online Instruction
👋 Spanish Level 1, Activity 01: Bienvenidos / Welcome (Online)
Semantic Topics: Bingo, lotería, new vocabulary, Mexican culture, reading, listening, leer, escuchar, vocabulario nuevo, cultura mexicana
Grammatical Structures: Nouns and articles, sustantivos y artículos
Practices: Playing games to pass time
Perspectives: What is the importance of spending time with friends and family in Hispanic culture?
NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:
- Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide, and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures.
- Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of Hispanic cultures.
- Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.
Idaho State Content Standards:
- COMM 1.1: Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions
- COMP 1.1 – Observe formal and informal forms of language.
- COMM 2.1 – Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
- COMM 3.1 – Present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media in the target language.
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can understand similarities and differences in games between my culture and Spanish-speaking culture
- I can listen and read a word and interpret its meaning in English
- I can use simple phrases to ask for help or clarification in Spanish
Materials Needed
Warm Up
- Open the Google Slideshow and go over the Can-Do statements.
Hola, ¿cómo están? Estoy ____. Vamos a empezar el lab de hoy con los Can-do statements. - First, talk about how the activity for today is a game. Explain that a game is like heads up or taboo.
Hoy vamos a jugar un juego. Un juego puede ser Bingo, Taboo, Heads up, Billiards (pool), etc. - Then proceed to ask students if they have ever played bingo. For a follow-up question, ask if they have ever heard of a Spanish version similar to bingo, called “Lotería” It is a board game of chance:
¿Conocen el juego “bingo?” Han escuchado de un juego que se llama “lotería?” Es muy similar a bingo y ¡Hoy vamos a jugar lotería! - Compare and contrast Bingo with lotería.
Lotería originalmente es de Italia y llegó a México en 1769. Hoy en día es muy común y popular en México. Lotería es similar al bingo clásico pero no es lo mismo. - Point out that lotería uses images along with a caption while bingo does not always use images or captions.
Una diferencia entre lotería y el bingo clásico es que la lotería tiene fotos y palabras. El bingo clásico no usa fotos ni palabras, solo números. - Point out that both lotería and Bingo require filling out a certain number of spaces, whether it be four across/diagonal or blackout.
Una similitud es que se debe poner “fichas” (markers) en las casillas y para ganar se tiene que llenar la tabla completa o sacar una línea de cuatro casillas verticalmente, horizontalmente o diagonalmente. - Another similarity is that the person who puts the corresponding markers must yell “Bingo” or “Buenas” to officially win!
¡Otra similitud es que la persona que pone las fichas en el orden correcto debe gritar “Bingo” o “Buenas” para oficialmente ganar!
- The instructor will open the link to the free online Lotería game and press the host game button. Once a code is received, the instructor will post the code in the chat and students will be able to join using the QR code in the powerpoint. Once everyone is able to start the instructor will deal a card, read the word on it, and the image will be visible to the students on their screens. Students will look for the same card on their board and will place a marker on the corresponding card until someone wins. The winning student should read back all the winning-filled squares (for example: in the first round all vertical, horizontal, or diagonal winning squares).
Voy a tomar una tarjeta, voy a leer la palabra y les voy a enseñar la foto. Ustedes deben buscar la misma tarjeta en sus tablas y poner una “ficha.” La PRIMERA persona que llene las casillas en el orden correcto debe gritar “¡Buenas! o “¡Lotería!” para ganar. - Play several rounds with students. In the all of the rounds, the instructor will be “el gritón” or “la gritona.”
The first round, students must get four in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally
Para la primera ronda, yo voy a ser el/la gritón/gritona. El/la gritón/gritona es la persona que dice las palabras y enseña las tarjetas. Para ganar en esta ronda deben tener cuatro fichas en las casillas de su tabla verticalmente, diagonalmente u horizontalmente, y una vez que las tengan, deben gritar “Buenas” ó “¡Lotería!”.The second round, students must get four corners
Para la segunda ronda, ustedes van a tomar turnos siendo él/la gritón/gritona. Cada estudiante va a tomar una tarjeta, la va a leer y enseñar. Para gabar en esta ronda, deben poner fichas en las cuatro esquinas de su tabla, y gritar “Buenas” ó “¡Lotería!”The third round, students must “blackout” (fill every card) on their board
Para la tercera ronda, ustedes deben llenar todas las casillas de su tabla. Una vez más, ustedes van a ser él/la gritón/gritona y van a tomar turnos leyendo y mostrando las tarjetas que tomen. La persona que llene su tabla completa debe gritar “Buenas” ó “¡Lotería!”
3. If time permits a fourth round, students must create a picture frame.
Wrap Up
- For the wrap-up, the instructor will have each student choose 1 or 2 cards with new words they learned during the activity
Para terminar, cada uno de ustedes debe escoger una o dos palabras nuevas . Van a leer la palabra en voz alta y también van a enseñar a todos la foto. - Students will read the cards out loud, and the instructor will first ask the group what they think the word is. Then the instructor will say the English version of the word.
¿Conocen la palabra? ¿Cómo se dice en inglés? Bueno, se dice (english version of the word).
End of Lab
- Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate their confidence.
(Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.)
• Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
• Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can understand similarities and differences in games between my culture and Spanish-speaking culture
- I can listen and read a word and interpret its meaning in English
- I can use simple phrases to ask for help or clarification in Spanish
Cultural NOtes:
- Learn more about the Lotería Google Doodle and associated game
- Online version of Lotería
- Article on the history of Lotería
- “’It Needed to Be Modernized.’ The Artists Recreating Lotería, the Iconic Mexican Game of Bingo,” Time Magazine Article
- Millennial Lotería (Instagram Account)
How to Revise or Remix a Pathways Project Activity
Feeling creative? The Pathways Project needs your help in revising and remixing activities for the K-16 language classroom.
Try taking an activity to the next level by:
- Add new content (something you’ve created or another OER source)
- Contribute additional activity suggestions
- Integrate authentic materials such as videos, infographics, photos, etc.
- Suggest how to implement the activity in the classroom
- Customize the content for a specific audience or group of learners (for example, K-5 learners or to differentiate for student’s needs)