
Spanish Level 1- Face-to-Face Activities

🏔 Spanish Level 1, Activity 13: Los Agentes de Viajes y Los Viajeros / Travel Agents and Travelers (Face-to-Face)




Scenic photo of houses over the ocean with a large mountain in the background
Photo by Julius Silver via Pexels
Description: In this activity, students will plan a vacation and engage in conversation about traveling. Students will also express personal opinions and thoughts about their vacation and hotel.
Semantic Topics: Travel, Vacations, Planning a Trip, Viajar, Vacación, Planear
Grammatical Structures: “ir a” + infinitive, verbs like gustar, “ir a” + el infinitivo, verbos como gustar
Products: Spanish-speaking countries, airports in Spanish-speaking countries, travel customs and procedures in Spanish-speaking countries
Practices: Planning a vacation
Perspectives: The importance of having and making detailed plans

NCSSFL-ACTFL World Readiness Standards:

  • Standard 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2 Students understand and interpret spoken and written Spanish on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of Hispanic culture.
  • Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the Spanish language.

Idaho State Content Standards:

  • COMM 1.1 – Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions
  • COMM 2.1 – Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
  • COMM 3.1 – Present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media in the target language.
  • CLTR 1.1- Analyze the cultural practices/patterns of behavior accepted as the societal norm in the target culture.
  • CLTR 1.2- Explain the relationship between cultural practices/behaviors and the perspectives that represent the target culture’s view of the world.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can answer questions about what I like and dislike when traveling
  • I can ask questions related to vacations and hotels
  • I can ask about the travel preferences of others

Materials Needed:

Optional Physical Materials:

  • Travel Agent Cards(One set for the whole group)
  • Traveler Cards(One set for the whole group)
  • Steps to Taking a Vacation Cards (One set for the whole group warm up activity)
  • Traveler Question Cards

Would you like to make changes to the materials? Access the template(s) below:

– Travel Agent Cards (Canva Template, free account required)

– Traveler Cards (Canva Template, free account required)

– Steps to Taking a Vacation Cards (Canva Template, free account required)

– Traveler Question Cards (Canva Template, free account required)

– End of Trip Survey Cards (Canva Template, free account required)

Need help with customizing the templates? View this video for help.

Warm Up

Materials Needed For Warm Up: 

Optional Physical Materials

  • Steps to Taking a Vacation Cards (One set for the whole group warm up activity)
  1. Begin by introducing the Can-Dos for today’s activity, opening the Google Slideshow. The students will put the steps of going on a vacation in order based on the PowerPoint slide. You may also distribute the Steps to Taking a Vacation Cards if using physical materials.
    Vamos a empezar con el proceso de ir de vacaciones. Aquí tengo los pasos de planear e ir de vacaciones. Ustedes van a ponerlos en orden en la mesa. Trabajen todos juntos para hacerlo.
  2. After, ask the students a few discussion questions:
    ¿Te gusta viajar? ¿Con qué frecuencia viajas? 
    ¿Cómo te gusta viajar? Por ejemplo, ¿Prefieres viajar por avión, tren, barco, autobús o coche?
    ¿Qué tipo de actividades te gusta hacer cuando viajas? Por ejemplo, ¿Te gusta nadar, acampar, montar a caballo, pescar, etc.? 
    ¿En qué tipo de alojamiento te gusta quedarse? Por ejemplo, ¿Un hotel, un airbnb, un hostal, la casa de un pariente? 
    ¿Cuánto cuesta un buen hotel? ¿Cuánto cuesta un hotel barato?

Main Activity

Materials Needed For Main Activity:

  • End of Trip Survey Cards(One per student)

Optional Physical Materials:

  • Travel Agent Cards(One set for the whole group)
  • Traveler Cards(One set for the whole group)
  • Traveler Question Cards
  1. Students will work in pairs, acting as travel agents and vacationers, switching roles. Ask which one of the students wants to be the travel agent first. Have those students scan the QR codes on the slide titled “Los Agentes” or give all of the travel agent cards to the travel agents if using physical materials, and have each of the other students scan the QR code on the slide titled “Los Viajeros” or give each student one traveler card if using physical materials.
    Hoy, ustedes van a trabajar en parejas. Uno de ustedes va a ser el agente de viajes, y el otro el viajero. (la persona que va a viajar) ¿Quién quiere ser el agente de viajes primero?
  2. One of the travelers will have to “plan a vacation” with the travel agent using the specifications of their traveler card. As the instructor, you should point to each item on a card as you explain:
    El viajero tiene una tarjeta con mucha información. La tarjeta tiene cuantas personas tiene en su grupo, cuantas camas van a necesitar, el dinero que puede gastar y las cosas que le gustan hacer.  El agente de viajes va a usar la información para planear las vacaciones.
  3. The travel agent will have to choose the best place (from the options on the travel agent cards) that fits the traveler’s needs.
    El agente tiene tarjetas con muchas preguntas. Necesita preguntar estas preguntas al viajero. Después de hacer las preguntas, el agente va a tener muchas tarjetas con lugares posibles que puede recomendar. El agente va a usar la información para recomendar el mejor lugar. Cuando tiene el lugar, va a compartir (share) la información con el viajero.
  4. Once the travel agent offers a “plan” to the traveler, the traveler will become the travel agent, and they will “plan” another vacation.
    Cuando terminen el plan para el viajero, ustedes van a cambiar los papeles.
  5. Have the students fill out the end of trip survey cards. This cycle will continue until everyone has been a travel agent.
    Ahora, ustedes van a hacer una encuesta (survey) sobre sus experiencias con los agentes de viajes. Aquí tengo las encuestas y marcadores.

Wrap Up

Ask students the following questions after the lab is finished:

1. ¿Dónde vas a viajar? ¿Cuánto cuesta? (Where will you travel? How much will it cost?)

2. ¿Qué actividades vas a hacer en las vacaciones? (What activities will you do while on vacation?)

3.  ¿Quieres visitar a este lugar en realidad? ¿Por qué sí o no? (Do you want to visit this place in real life? Why or why not?)


• Read Can-Do statements once more, and have students evaluate their confidence.
(Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.)
• Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
• Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can answer questions about what I like and dislike
  • I can ask questions related to vacations and hotels
  • I can ask about the travel preferences of my peers

Cultural NOtes: 

How to Revise or Remix a Pathways Project Activity

Feeling creative?  The Pathways Project needs your help in revising and remixing activities for the K-16 language classroom.

Try taking an activity to the next level by:

  • Add new content (something you’ve created or another OER source)
  • Contribute additional activity suggestions
  • Integrate authentic materials such as videos, infographics, photos, etc.
  • Suggest how to implement the activity in the classroom
  • Customize the content for a specific audience or group of learners (for example, K-5 learners or to differentiate for student’s needs)


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Let's Chat! Spanish Copyright © 2022 by Amber Hoye; Kelly Arispe; Abby Cain; Alejandra Garcia; Alejandro Montoya; Alexis Araiza; Anna Gamino; Ashley Johnson; Ashley Potzernitz; Ashlyn Nutting; Austin Robishaw; Blake Simony; Brooke Staszkow; Camille Daw; Carla Lara; Cecilia Morales; Chloe Robinson; Claire Werlin; Daniel Felix; Danielle Snyder; Elian Tovar; Emily Hawley; Gabby Bates; German Tovar; Iris Torres; Ismenia Gallegos; Jaelyn Quisel; Jenna Del Toro; Jordyn Preble; Jorge Corea; Julia Dryer; Kailyn Phillips; Kimberly Murphy; Leah Alboucq; Lillian Cobb; Linzy Carpenter; Madalen Bieter Lete; Madi Goertzen; Mariela Montoya; Maya Grubaugh; Mayra Saldivar; Natalie Mendoza; Nicholas Sulier; Ninna Payne; Reynaldo Nunez; Ryan Byrd; Sergio Sarmiento; Sue Juarez; Tea Recanzone; Thaïs Lacar; and Yuliana Cisneros is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.