Spanish Level 4- Activities Designed for Online Instruction
🧑💼 Spanish Level 4, Activity 05: La Entrevista / The Interview (Online)
Products: Job types, careers
Practices: Interview etiquette, preparing for interviews
Perspectives: Importance of being able to articulate one’s skills and abilities, the importance of having and/or getting a job
NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:
- Standard 1.1 – Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Standard 1.2 – Students understand and interpret spoken and written Spanish on a variety of topics.
- Standard 1.3 – Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Idaho Content Standards for World Languages:
- COMM 1.1 – Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions
- COMM 2.1 – Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
- COMM 3.1 – Present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media in the target language.
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can discuss what I want to do as a future career
- I can answer authentic interview questions and speak in detail on my answer
- I can understand a scenario and come to a resolution on my own or with a partner
- I can compare and contrast different interview styles in different countries
Materials Needed
Warm Up
- Begin by introducing the Can-Dos for today’s activity and opening the Google Slideshow.
Los Can-Dos para hoy son:
- Move into the warm-up. Have a discussion related to students’ experiences with their jobs. There are questions on the slideshow to prompt you.
Les voy a preguntar un poco acerca de sus trabajos y sus experiencias. ¿Trabajas este semestre? ¿Dónde? ¿Te gusta tu puesto? ¿Por qué? Si no tienes un trabajo, ¿Dónde quieres trabajar algún día? - Have everyone take the BuzzFeed quiz, then talk about the results. Post the link for the BuzzFeed quiz in the chat.
Vamos a tomar una prueba en BuzzFeed y hablar del resultado. Por favor abran el enlace que está en el “chat”. ¿Están de acuerdo con el resultado que recibieron? ¿Algún voluntario que quiera compartir?
Main Activity
- Pair up students into Breakout Rooms. 2-3 per room. Before you send them in, share the link to the student PowerPoint.
Para la siguiente actividad abran el enlace que les he puesto en el “chat”. Los voy a poner en parejas en Breakout Rooms. - In the breakout rooms have the students go through each question where they take turns asking and answering. Prompt them to answer with some depth.
Van a trabajar en parejas y tomar turnos preguntando y contestando las preguntas. Tienen que intentar contestar con una respuesta elaborada. ¡No simplemente, sí o no!
Wrap Up
- Ask the following questions as a wrap up:
- ¿Cuál fue la pregunta más fácil?
- ¿Hay alguien que quiera compartir su experiencia laboral con el grupo?
End of Lab
- Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate their confidence. (Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.)
- Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
- Pay attention and try to use feedback for future labs!
- Can-Do Statements:
- I can discuss what I want to do as a future career
- I can answer authentic interview questions and speak in detail on my answer
- I can understand a scenario and come to a resolution on my own or with a partner
- I can compare and contrast different interview styles in different countries.
Cultural NOtes:
- Learn Spanish, Job Interview Video
- Spanish Job Interview, The Ultimate Guide
- Spanish Vocabulary: Interview
How to Revise or Remix a Pathways Project Activity
Feeling creative? The Pathways Project needs your help in revising and remixing activities for the K-16 language classroom.
Try taking an activity to the next level by:
- Add new content (something you’ve created or another OER source)
- Contribute additional activity suggestions
- Integrate authentic materials such as videos, infographics, photos, etc.
- Suggest how to implement the activity in the classroom
- Customize the content for a specific audience or group of learners (for example, K-5 learners or to differentiate for student’s needs)