
Spanish Level 4- Face-to-Face Activities

🤨 Spanish Level 4, Activity 14: Preguntas Sobre Ti/ Questions About You (Face-To-Face)

Question mark drawn on chalkboard

Photo from Pixaby
Description: The students will start by having a simple conversation. Then they will move into a speed dating activity. They will be using the questions that they created during the previous lab. To wrap things up they will talk about how they are going to practice their Spanish over break.

Semantic Topics: Questions, answers, speed dating, break, practice, conversation, preguntas, respuestas, practica, conversación

Grammatical Structures: Past tense subjunctive, conditional, el imperfecto de subjuntivo, el condicional

Products: Vacations, daily routines

Practices: Planning activities in a group, asking and answering personal questions

Perspectives: Importance of individual choices and freedoms, the importance of leisure time/vacations

NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Standard 1.1 – Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2 – Students understand and interpret spoken and written Spanish on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 1.3 – Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Idaho Content Standards for World Languages:

  • COMM 1.1 – Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.”
  • COMM 2.1 – Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
  • COMP 1.1 – Observe formal and informal forms of language.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can respond with what I like better when given two options
  • I can participate in a conversation with a partner to better get to know one another
  • I can respond to a partner’s question with a detailed response

Materials Needed:


  1.  Today’s lab will consist of asking and answering a variety of questions to get to know your fellow classmates.“Para nuestro lab de hoy, vamos a responder a una variedad de preguntas. La meta de hoy es hablar con mucho detalle y conocer a tus compañeros un poco mejor.” 2. The warm-up will consist of “this or that” questions. Each slide will have two options. Students should reply with their preference and a reason in one sentence in the chatbox.“Para el calentamiento, vamos a ver varias diapositivas con dos opciones en cada una. Ustedes deben responder con una oración que diga cuál de las dos opciones prefieren y por qué . 

Main Activity

  1.  For the main activity, students should be split into pairs or groups of three to ask each other a variety of questions.“Para nuestro lab de hoy, van a trabajar con una pareja (o grupo de tres) contestando varias preguntas.2. Once students are in partners (or groups of 3, no more than this as it makes it difficult for everyone to talk and give a full answer), they should go through the slideshow they are given and discuss the questions together. The goal is for students to have as much of a conversation as they can. They should work to answer questions in detail, not just with a one-word answer.“Con su pareja, van a charlar sobre las diferentes preguntas de las diapositivas. La meta de este lab es que hablen. Estamos por terminar el semestre, ¡entonces deben esforzarse para charlar los más que puedan! Todas estas preguntas deben responderse con detalle, NO solamente una palabra.”


      • Por ejemplo: “Mi animal favorito es un koala porque son pequeños y se ven muy esponjosos y bonitos.”
      • For example, My favorite animal is a koala because they are little, fluffy, and very pretty.


3. When there are around 5-7 minutes left of the lab, students should return to the main session to start wrapping up the lab. If students finish sooner, they should ask each other their own questions and continue to have a conversation in Spanish.

“Cuando falten 5-7 minutos para terminar el lab, por favor regresen al “main session”. Si terminan rápido con las preguntas, entonces hagan sus propias preguntas y continúen la conversación en ESPAÑOL hasta que falten 5-7 minutos.” 


  1. Discuss with students how they will practice Spanish over the break to close
    Antes de salir, todos van a compartir una manera que van a seguir practicando español durante el descanso.

End of Lab

  • Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate their confidence.
    (Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.)
  • Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can exchange opinions on what foods are healthy vs. unhealthy.
  • I can exchange opinions on the length of the workweek and give employees the option to work remotely.
  • I can exchange opinions about movies based on books and whether the movie or book is better.

Cultural NOtes: 

How to Revise or Remix a Pathways Project Activity

Feeling creative?  The Pathways Project needs your help in revising and remixing activities for the K-16 language classroom.

Try taking an activity to the next level by:

  • Add new content (something you’ve created or another OER source)
  • Contribute additional activity suggestions
  • Integrate authentic materials such as videos, infographics, photos, etc.
  • Suggest how to implement the activity in the classroom
  • Customize the content for a specific audience or group of learners (for example, K-5 learners or to differentiate for student’s needs)


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Let's Chat! Spanish Copyright © 2022 by Amber Hoye; Kelly Arispe; Abby Cain; Alejandra Garcia; Alejandro Montoya; Alexis Araiza; Anna Gamino; Ashley Johnson; Ashley Potzernitz; Ashlyn Nutting; Austin Robishaw; Blake Simony; Brooke Staszkow; Camille Daw; Carla Lara; Cecilia Morales; Chloe Robinson; Claire Werlin; Daniel Felix; Danielle Snyder; Elian Tovar; Emily Hawley; Gabby Bates; German Tovar; Iris Torres; Ismenia Gallegos; Jaelyn Quisel; Jenna Del Toro; Jordyn Preble; Jorge Corea; Julia Dryer; Kailyn Phillips; Kimberly Murphy; Leah Alboucq; Lillian Cobb; Linzy Carpenter; Madalen Bieter Lete; Madi Goertzen; Mariela Montoya; Maya Grubaugh; Mayra Saldivar; Natalie Mendoza; Nicholas Sulier; Ninna Payne; Reynaldo Nunez; Ryan Byrd; Sergio Sarmiento; Sue Juarez; Tea Recanzone; Thaïs Lacar; and Yuliana Cisneros is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.