⌚Arabic Level 3, Activity 09: “Time/السّاعَة” (Face-to-Face/Online)
Photo via Pexels
In this activity, students will practice talking about time and movies. They will learn how to read the clock in Arabic, recommend a movie based on someone’s preferences, and understand schedules.
Semantic Topics: movie, time, clock, days, cinema, فليم، وقت، ساعة، يوم، مشاهدة، سينما
Grammatical Structures: Vocabulary related to movies, showtimes and preferences, numbers, time, and verb conjugation.
Products: A list of recommended movies, a schedule of movie showtimes, and conversations about movie preferences and schedules.
Practices: practice speaking and listening by using new vocabulary and grammar structures to talk about movies and showtimes.
Perspectives: students may develop a deeper understanding of the role of media and entertainment in Arabic culture. They may also gain a new perspective on how to make recommendations based on someone’s preferences and the importance of being considerate of others’ tastes
- Standard 1.1 :Students engage in conversations or correspondence in Arabic to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret spoken and written Arabic on a variety of topics.
- Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures of the Arab world.
- Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between the cultures of the Arab world and their own
Idaho Content Standards for World Languages:
- COMM 1.1: Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions
- COMM 2.1: Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
- CLTR 1.1: Analyze the cultural practices/patterns of behavior accepted as the societal norm in the target culture.
- CLTR 1.2: Explain the relationship between cultural practices/behaviors and the perspectives that represent the target culture’s view of the world.
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can understand the time when announced or shown to me.
- I can identify movies with the times they take place on a schedule.
- I can recommend a movie for someone according to his/her preference.
Materials Needed:
- ask students to take turns reading the time. after each student sone reading, let him/her choose another student and ask “الساعة كم؟” and so on.
اطلب من الطلاب أن يتناوبوا في قراءة الوقت. بعد أن يقرء كل طالب ، دعه يختار طالبًا آخر ويسأل “الساعة كم؟” وهكذا.
Main Activity
- Split students into pairs. Student A will choose a character and read the scenario. Student B will look at the Movie’s schedule and recommend a movie according to the character’s needs.قسّم الطلاب إلى أزواج. سيختار الطالب “أ” شخصية ويقرأ السيناريو. سينظر الطالب “ب” في جدول الفيلم ويوصي بفيلم وفقًا لاحتياجات الشخصية.
- Ask students to read the 3 questions and choose one to answer, and share!
اطلب من الطلاب قراءة الأسئلة الثلاثة واختيار واحد للإجابة والمشاركة!
End of Activity
- Ask students to read the 3 questions and choose one to answer, and share!
- Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate
their confidence.
(Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.) - Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
- Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can understand the time when announced or shown to me.
- I can identify movies with the times they take place on a schedule.
- I can recommend a movie for someone according to his/her preference.