Module 01: Bonjour!
Deuxième Partie: Les numéros / les exercices
Exercice 1. Ecrivez en toutes lettres ! Write in letters.
Exercice 2 : Calculez ! Calculate!
Exercice 3: Les numéros de téléphone
Listen to the recording for the addresses and telephone numbers of three Boise State students studying in Lyon and fill in the blanks below:
🔵 Exercice 4 : Quelle est la date ? Match the Holidays with the date.
🔵 Exercice 5. Quel âge ont-ils ? Sénégal
Watch the video and repeat the numbers as you watch the age progression. You will view a similar video in class.
🔵 Exercice 6. Écoutez
🔵 Exercice 7. Presentational Speaking
You want to reserve a spot for an exclusive tour of the Eiffel tower but the host company does not speak English! Record a message for your instructor using Vocaroo in which you share the following information in French:
- Introduction
- First and last name
- Phone number (in the French style)
- How many people will join you (il y a… personnes)