Module 04: L’identité
Troisième Partie: La routine quotidienne, le vocabulaire

It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section! Below this vocabulary list, you’ll find interactive flashcards, spelling practice, and a crossword puzzle to test your knowledge.
se réveiller | to wake up |
se lever | to get up |
verbes pronominaux | pronomianl verbs |
se laver | to wash (oneself) |
s'habiller | to dress (oneself) |
se brosser les dents | to brush your teeth |
se brosser les cheveux | to brush your hair |
se maquiller | to put on make-up |
se raser | to shave |
se coucher | to go to bed |
s'amuser | to have fun |
s'ennuyer | to be bored |
se dépêcher | to hurry |
se promener | to take a walk |
se reposer | to rest |
se fâcher | to get angry |