Module 01: Bonjour!
Troisième Partie: La salle de classe, le vocabulaire

It’s time to practice the vocabulary for this section!
C'est ... | It's ... |
C'est une salle de classe. | It's a classroom. |
Dans la salle de classe, il y a ... | In the classroom, there is .. |
une porte | door |
une fenêtre | window |
un tableau (noir) | blackboard |
une télévision | television |
une carte (du monde) | map (of the world) |
une affiche | poster |
une chaise | chair |
un bureau | desk |
Sur le bureau, il y a ... | On the desk, there is ... |
une craie | chalk |
un crayon | pencil |
un stylo | pen |
un cahier | notebook |
un livre | book |
un dictionnaire | dictionary |
un sac à dos | backpack |
Au labo, il y a ... | in the lab, there are ... |
des ordinateurs (m) | computers |
Les étudiants travaillent ! | The students work! |
des devoirs (m) | homework |
un exercice | exercise |
un examen | test |
Écoutez. | Listen. |
Écrivez. | Write. |
Levez le doigt. | Raise your finger (hand). |
Répétez. | Repeat. |
Ouvrez vos livres. | Open your books. |
Que veut dire ... ? | What does ... mean? |
Comment dit-on ... ? | How do you say ...? |
Voici ... | Here is ... (here are ...) |
Voilà ... | There is ... (there are ...) |
Il y a ... | There is, there are ... |
Il y a combien de ... ? | There are how many ...? |
Qu'est-ce que c'est ? | What is it? |
ce sont des ... | these are some ... |
Ouvrez le livre à la page ... | Turn to page ... |
Directions: To begin, you’ll review flashcards for key unit vocabulary. Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned through several interactive activities. Please repeat these activities as much as needed and we encourage you to return to this page throughout the unit to review. Note: each time you refresh this page, the activities will be randomized. We recommended doing this to mix things up!
Non-binary option: les étudiant·e·s
When referring to a student who identifies as non-binary one can say un·e étudiant·e.
When referring to a group of student that includes people who identify as non-binary one can say les étudiant·e·s.
However, there is not set agreement on how to pronounce words with middots. As mentioned on previous pages, depending on the situation, sometimes it may be better to change the structure of a sentence to avoid a gendered descriptor. In this case, on could say “Iel étudie.”