
👋 German Level 1, Activity 02: Grüße und Einführungen / Greetings and Introductions (Face to Face) Remix by Heidi Muri

Remix by Heidi Muri 

Description: I wanted students to have authentic examples of these greetings before they practice them so I added some videos of Germans greeting each other in various forms. I also wanted to add German music playing in the background just to give students a feeling of being in Germany.
Semantic Topics: greetings, grüße, introductions, einführungen, introductions, einleitung, hello, hallo, goodbye, auf wiedersehen, times of day,  tageszeiten

Products: Various hello and goodbye sentences and everyday phrases in German. Diverse Hallo- und Auf Wiedersehen-Sätze und Alltagsphrasen auf Deutsch.

Practices: Practice different hello and farewell sentences and daily sentences in German. Üben Sie verschiedene Hallo- und Abschiedssätze und Tagessätze auf Deutsch.

Perspectives: German daily sentences and “Hello and Goodbye” sentences can take different forms depending on the time day and the relationship of the speakers . Deutsche Tagessätze und „Hallo und Auf Wiedersehen“-Sätze können je nach Tageszeit und Verwandtschaft der Sprecher unterschiedliche Formen annehmen.

NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:

  • Standard 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2 Students understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
  • Standard 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

Idaho State Content Standards:

  • Objective: COMM 1.1- Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
  • Objective: COMP 1.1- Observe formal and informal forms of language.
  • Objective: COMM 2.1- Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can say hello and goodbye to someone my age or younger, my professor, an adult, or someone I don’t know.
  • I can introduce myself and others.
  • I can respond to an introduction.
  • I can greet and take leave from someone using polite rehearsed behaviors.

Materials Needed: 

Materials Needed: 

Google Slideshow

Youtube Video 

interpretive Warm Up

Students will watch the video about introductions in different dialects and take notes about how different greetings are said in different locations.

Hör zu und mach Notizen. Was sagen die Deutschen in Hamburg? Köln? Leipzig, usw.

Interpersonal Main Activity

Students will have a “Meet and Greet” party where they will pretend to be the person on their card.

  • Die Schüler werden eine “Meet and Greet” -Party haben, bei der sie vorgeben, die Person auf ihrer Karte zu sein.

1. Each student gets an identity card that describes who they will be for the round.

  • Jeder Schüler erhält einen Personalausweis, der beschreibt, wer er für die Runde sein wird.

2. The instructor will put a time of day on the projector or iPad which students must take into account in their answers.

  • Der Lehrer präsentiert eine Tageszeit auf dem Projektor oder dem iPad, die die Schüler in ihren Antworten berücksichtigen müssen.

3. Students walk around and mingle with each other, asking each other questions and responding based on the information on their cards including the emotion displayed by the emoji.

  • Die Schüler laufen herum und mischen sich untereinander, stellen sich gegenseitig Fragen und antworten basierend auf den Informationen auf ihren Karten, einschließlich der Emotionen, die durch das Emoji angezeigt werden.

Students should practice using the formal tense for their answers.

  • Die Schüler sollten üben, die formelle Zeitform für ihre Antworten zu verwenden.

Wrap up 

There was one person at the meet and greet that you didn’t get a chance to talk to but you really wanted to meet them, so you write a little note about yourself and slip it to them on your way out. Tell them:

Your name, age, where you’re from and spell out your phone number for them.

End of Activity:

Can-Do statement check-in… “Where are we?”

  • Read can-do statements and have students evaluate their confidence.
  • Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation
  • Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can say hello and goodbye to someone my age or younger, my professor, an adult, or someone I don’t know.
  • I can introduce myself and others.
  • I can respond to an introduction.
  • I can greet and take leave from someone using polite rehearsed behaviors.

Cultural Resources

It is important in Germany to always be on time for any meetingThere is no such thing as “fashionably late” in German speaking countries. Here are links to two short videos; one on Hallo  and one on Good-bye in German.





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