🏰German Level 2, Activity 14: Märchen / Fairytale (Face to Face)

Semantic Topics: fairytales, märchen, storytelling, Geschichtenerzählen, Commercial, Werbestpot, Matching, Anpassung. Characters, Figuren, Books, Bücher.
Products: Fairytale Characters, Märchenfiguren.
Practices: Creating a Fairytale commercial for a new movie using typical fairytale characters. Erstellen eines märchenhaften Werbespots für einen neuen Film mit typischen Märchenfiguren.
Perspectives: Fairytales have deep roots in Germany. Märchen haben in Deutschland tiefe Wurzeln. The Brothers Grimm are known world-wide. Die Brüder Grimm sind weltweit bekannt.
NCSSFL-ACTFL World-Readiness Standards:
- Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics.
Idaho State Content Standards
- Objective: COMM 1.1 Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
- Objective: COMM 1.2 Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can match a word or character in a headline or story to a supporting visual.
- I can recognize a few individual written words in the title of a story.
- I can recognize common opening and closing words of a fairytale.
Materials Needed:
Would you like to make changes to the materials? Access the template(s) below:
(Canva Template(s), free account required)
1. Divide the students into pairs.
Teilen Sie die Schüler in Paare auf.
2. Have the Google slide with the German ~ English Fairytale words and phrases displayed.
Lassen Sie die Google Folie mit den deutsch ~ englischen Märchenwörter und Redewendungen angezeigt werden.
3. Have each pair match the German word to its English counterpart. Have one student think of a sentence to describe that character or term. Then switch rolls. Do this for about 4 to 6 times.
Lassen Sie jedes Paar das deutsche Wort mit seinem englischen Gegenstück vergleichen. Lassen Sie einen Schüler sich einen Ausdruck ausdenken, um dieses Wort oder diesem Charakter zu beschreiben. Dann Rollen wechseln. Tun Sie dies etwa 4 bis 6 Mal.
Main Activity
1. Have the Canva Fairytale Character Page preprinted. In this activity the students should be divided into groups of four. Give each group a copy of the Fairytale Character page. The group will then create a commercial for a new fairytale movie based on the groups of characters on the page. Give the groups about 15 minutes to create their fairytale.
Lassen Sie sich die Canva Fairytale Character Page vordrucken. Für diese Aktivität sollten die Schüler in Vierergruppen eingeteilt werden. Geben Sie jeder Gruppe eine Kopie der Märchenfigurenseite. Die Gruppe erstellt dann einen Werbespot für einen neuen Märchenfilm rund um die Figurengruppen auf der Seite. Geben Sie den Gruppen etwa 15 Minuten Zeit, um ihr Märchen zu erfinden.
2. After 15 minutes bring the class back together and have each group act out their fairytale commercial .
Bringen Sie die Klasse nach 15 Minuten wieder zusammen und lassen Sie jede Gruppe ihr Märchen Werbespot aufführen.
Ask students the following question(s) to finish the activity:
- Was sind deine Lieblingsmärchen oder Märchenfiguren aus deiner Kindheit? (What are your favorite fairytales or fairytale characters from your childhood?)
- Hast du irgendwelche Lieblingsmärchenautoren? (Do you have any favorite fairytale authors?)
- Kennen Sie irgendwelche Unterschiede zwischen den Grimm-Märchen und den Disney-Geschichten? (Do you know of any differences between the Grimm Fairytales and the Disney stories?)
End of Activity:
- Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate their confidence. (Use thumbs up/thumbs down)
- Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
- Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can match a word or character in a headline or story to a supporting visual.
- I can recognize a few individual written words in the title of a story.
- I can recognize common opening and closing words of a fairytale.
Cultural Resources
Here is a video Feli from German, “5 Disney fairytales and their CRUEL GERMAN ORIGINALS“. Feli gives some history about the Brothers Grimm and their importance to German culture. Linked is the article, “German Fairy Tales, Folk Tales and Fables”. This is an interesting article chronicling German Fairytale History, Authors, and Stories.
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