🧪German Level 4, Activity 09: Science-Fiction / Science-Fiction (Face to Face)

Description: Students talk about their ideas on science fiction and learn about a German TV program and new sci-fi inventions.
Semantic Topics: Science Fiction, Adjectives, Adjektiven, Adverb, Adverben.
Products: Sci-fi, German movie trailer for The Arrival. Sci-Fi, deutscher Filmtrailer zur Ankunft.
Practices: Cultural perspectives about Sci-fi movies and books, and the influence of Sci-fi over new technology. Kulturelle Perspektiven über Science-Fiction-Filme und -Bücher und der Einfluss von Science-Fiction auf neue Technologien.
Perspectives: Sci-fi and new technology is popular in both the United Stated and in German speaking countries. Science-Fiction und neue Technologien sind sowohl in den USA als auch im deutschsprachigen Raum beliebt.
- Standard 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Standard 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through German.
Idaho State Content Standards:
- Objective: COMM 1.1 Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
- Objective: COMM 2.1 Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
- Objective: CONN 1.1 Compare and contract information acquired from other content areas.
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can express opinions about science-fiction.
- I can ask and answer questions related to preferences.
- I can compare elements of fiction or fantasy with real life occurrences.
Materials Needed:
Nützliche Vokabeln (Useful Vocabulary):
- Strapazen = tribulations/ exertions
- Ablenkung = distraction/ deviation (also → deflection)
- Realität = reality/ fact
- fliehen = to get away/ to escape
- Phantasie = fantasy/ imagination/ fancy
- sich etwas vorstellen = to imagine/ to picture
- sich ablenken = to distract oneself/ to take one’s mind off things
- Außerirdische = alien
- Technologie = technology
- Zeitreise = time journey/ time travel
- Zukunft = future
- Wissenschaft = science
- Fiktion = fiction
- Weltraum = space/ outer space
Main Activity
1. What do you call sci-fi? (Visons, motifs, scenarios, characters)
Was bezeichnet ihr als Sci-Fi? (Visionen, Motive, Szenarios, Figuren)
2. Do you like science fiction? If yes, why? If no, why? Do you like to watch sci-fi?
Mögt ihr Science-Fiction? Wenn “Ja”, warum? Wenn “Nein”, warum? Schaut ihr gerne Sci-Fi?
3. What is so fascinating about the ideas of sci-fi?
Was ist an den Ideen von Sci-Fi so faszinierend?
4. What are your favorite sci-fi films / comics / books?
Was sind eure liebsten Sci-Fi Filme/ Comics/ Bücher?
5. Are there things in your everyday life (technology, concepts, ideas, professions, visions) that are almost sci-fi? Or that one would not have thought possible years ago?
Gibt es Dinge in eurem Alltag (Technologie, Konzepte, Idee, Berufe, Visionen) die fast Sci-Fi sind? Oder die man vor Jahren noch nicht für möglich gehalten hätte?
6. Do you think the visions and inventions from films and books are possible? Have some of these things come true?
Haltet ihr die Visionen und Erfindungen aus Filmen und Büchern für möglich? Sind manche dieser Dinge schon wahr geworden?
7. Do you think technology will one day rule all parts of our lives? Do you think that one day we will live like a sci-fi movie?
Denkt ihr, dass die Technologie eines Tages alle Teile unsers Lebens beherrscht? Glaubt ihr, dass wir eines Tages wie in einem Sci-Fi-Film leben?
Have students watch the video of the trailer for “The Arrival” and then have students watch an excerpt from a video about new technologies. Have students discuss the videos and how new technology relates to Sci Fi.
Lassen Sie die Schüler das Video des Trailers zu, “The Arrival” und anschließend einen Ausschnitt aus einem Video über neue Technologien ansehen. Lassen Sie die Schüler die Videos diskutieren und erklären, wie sich neue Technologien auf Sci-Fi beziehen.
End of Activity:
- Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate their confidence. (Use thumbs up/thumbs down)
- Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
- Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future activities!
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:
- I can express opinions about science-fiction.
- I can ask and answer questions related to preferences.
- I can compare elements of fiction or fantasy with real life occurrences.
Cultural Resources
Netflix has a series, Dark. It is a German science fiction show. It is in German, and can be watched with either German or English subtitles. First linked below is a short sci-fiction movie in German from YouTube, Second Horizon. Next linked is an interesting English video on the history of Sci-Fi in Germany.
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