Table of Contents- Idaho GEM Course Sequencing
The following table of contents is formatted to align with the course sequencing used by Idaho General Education Matriculation (GEM) Courses:

German 101, Face-to-Face
- First Year German, Activity 01 Aktivitätsorientierung /Activity Orientation (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 02 Grüße und Einführungen / Greetings and Introductions (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 03 Business-Schnitzeljagd / Business Scavenger Hunt (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 04 Termine und Wochentage / Schedules and Days of the Week (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 05 Verbhäufigkeit / Verb Frequency (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 06 Möbel und Wohnen / Furniture and Living (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 07 Haushaltsartikel und Einkaufen / Household Items and Shopping (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 08 Zeit / Time (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 09 Essen / Food (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 10 Tägliche Routine / Daily Routine (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 11 Freizeit / Free Time (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 12 Familienstammbaum / Family Trees (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 13 Kleidung / Clothing (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 14 Abschließende Prüfung / Final Review (Face to Face)
German 102, Face-to-Face
- First Year German, Activity 15 Einführungen / Introductions (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 16 Reisen / Travel (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 17 Sehenswürdigkeiten / Sightseeing (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 18 Gesundes Leben / Healthy Living (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 19 Zum Arzt Gehen / Going to the Doctor (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 20 Menschen Beschreiben / Describing People (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 21 Beziehungen / Relationships (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 22 Arbeit und Leben / Work and Life (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 23 Der Körper / The Body (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 24 Der Körper, Gesundheit / Body Parts, Health (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 25 In Der Stadt, Heimatstadt-Tour / In the City, Hometown Tour (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 26 Leben in Deutschland / Living in Germany (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 27 Reisen / Travel (Face to Face)
- First Year German, Activity 28 Verrückte Libs / Mad Libs (Face to Face)
German 201, Face-to-Face
- Second Year German, Activity 01 Bingo / Bingo (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 02 Reisen / Travel (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 03 “Theme Karten / Theme Cards (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 04 Reisen durch Berlin / Traveling through Berlin (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 05 Ein Hotel Buchen / Booking a Hotel (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 06 Berufe / Professions (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 07 Monatliche Ausgaben und Lebenssituationen / Monthly Expenses and Living Situations (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 08 Kaffeegespräch / Coffee Talk (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 09 Soziale Medien und Technologie / Social Media and Technology (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 10 Nachrichten / News (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 11 Podcasts und Online-Medien / Podcasts and Online Media (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 12 Debatten / Debates (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 13 Musik / Music (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 14 Weihnachten / Christmas (Face to Face)
German 202, Face-to-Face
- Second Year German, Einleitung / Activity 15 “Introduction (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 16 Schule and Studium / School and Studies (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 17 Cool Sein, Kultur / Being Cool (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 18 Liebe und Beziehungen / Love and Relationships (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 19 Alltag und Aberglaube / Everyday Life and Superstition (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 20 Entsetzen und Angst / Horror and Fear (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 21 Deutsche Städte und Essen / German Cities and Food (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 22 Feierlichkeiten / Celebrations (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 23 Science-Fiction / Science Fiction (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 24 Krimi / Crime (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 25 Betonen / Stress (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 26 Reisen / Travel (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 27 Stereotypen / Stereotypes (Face to Face)
- Second Year German, Activity 28 Tschüss, Auf Wiedersehen / Goodbye, Tschüss (Face-to-Face)
Online INstruction

German 101, Online INstruction
- First Year German, Activity 01 Orientierung / Orientation (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 02 Grüße und Einführungen / Greetings and Introductions (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 03 Geschäftliche Schnitzeljagd / Business Scavenger Hunt (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 04 Studenplan / School Schedule (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 05 Verbhäufigkeit / Verb Frequency (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 06 Möbel und Wohnen / Furniture and Living (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 07 Haushalt Einkaufen / Household Shopping (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 08 Zeit / Time (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 09 Essen / Food (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 10 Hobbys / Hobbies (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 11 Tägliche Routine / Daily Routine (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 12 Familie / Family (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 13 Abschließende Prüfung / Final review (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 14 Winterferien / Winter Holiday (Online)
German 102, Online Instruction
- First Year German, Activity 15 Einführungstag / Orientation Day (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 16 Reisen / Travel (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 17 Besichtigung / Sightseeing (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 18 Gesundes Leben / Healthy Living (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 19 Zum Arzt Gehen / Going to the Doctor (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 20 Menschen Beschreiben / Describing People (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 21 Beziehung / Relationship (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 22 Arbeit und Leben / Work and Life (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 23 Rückblick vor den Frühlingsferien / Review Before the Spring Break (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 24 Eigenschaften und Werte /Characteristics and Values (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 25 In der Schule und Nach der Schule / In School and After School Online)
- First Year German, Activity 26 Politik und die Umwelt / Politics and the Environment (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 27 Eine Reise durch Berlin / A Trip through Berlin (Online)
- First Year German, Activity 28 Reisen / Travel (Online)
German 201, Online Instruction
- Second Year German, Activity 01 Bingo / Bingo (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 02 Reisen / Travel (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 03 Jeopardy mit Faben / Jeopardy with Colors (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 04 Reisen durch Berlin / Traveling through Berlin (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 05 Alltagsleben / Everyday Life (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 06 Berufe / Jobs (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 07 Monatliche Ausgaben und Lebenssituationen / Monthly Expenses and Living Situations (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 08 Kaffeegespräch / Coffee Talk (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 09 Soziale Medien und Technologie / Social Media and Technology (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 10 Nachrichten / The News (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 11 Podcasts und Online-Medien / Podcasts and Online Media (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 12 Debatten / Debates (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 13 Musik / Music (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 14 Weihnachten / Christmas (Online)
German 202, Online Instruction
- Second Year German, Activity 15 Einleitung / Introduction (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 16 Schule und Universität / School and University (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 17 Partnerschaft – Liebe – Beziehungen / Partnership – Love – Relationships (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 18 Berlin! / Berlin! (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 19 Alltag und Aberglaube / Everyday Life and Superstition (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 20 Deutsche Städte und Essen / German Cities and Food (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 21 Karneval / Carnival (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 22 Zungenbrecher / Tongue Twisters (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 23 Stereotypen / Stereotypes (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 24 Krimi / Crime (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 25 Reisen / Travel (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 26 Deutsche Dialekte / German Dialects (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 27 Berufe / Professions (Online)
- Second Year German, Activity 28 Tschüss, Auf Wiedersehen / Goodbye (Online)